Access to the Application (defined below) is subject to Terms of Use located at on the Application (the “Terms of Use”). Capitalized terms used andnot defined in this Privacy Policy, shall have the samemeaning ascribed to them in the Terms of Use.
This Privacy Policy governs the privacy terms of theApplication calledMY OMNAMO, which is owned andoperated by BIG SPIRITUAL DESTINATION PRIVATELIMITED (“Company”).
The Application is an integrated online platform consisting ofthe Company’s platform offering Spiritual Services throughvarious methods of aggregation of spiritual services providers,temples and spiritual personalities. The user can download theapplication and avail the services offline or online via aggregation, booking the slots, shopping on marketplacemodule, viwing the online information, online education aboutspirituality and many more (the "Application").
The Services offered on this Application are provided throughboth online and offline means by the Company
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the terms "we", “our”and "us" refers to Company and its affiliates, and the term"you", “your” or the “user” refers to you, the users downloadingor accessing the Application by themselves or on your behalfof a company or any other legal entity and who is creating itsaccount on the Application in accordance with the Terms ofUse.
If you are entering into these Terms on behalf of a company orother legal entity, you represent that you haves the authority tobind such entity to the terms and conditions of these Termsand, in such an event your use of this Application shall refer touse by such legal entity. If you do not have such an authorityor do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, then youshould refrain from using this Application.
We respect the privacy of everyone who uses the Application.This Privacy Policy describes the procedures for collecting,using, and disclosing your Personal Information (definedbelow) which you exchange with us, directly or indirectly foravailing the Services or accessing the Application. Werecommend you to read this Privacy Policy to understand ourapproach towards the use of your Personal Information.
When you access or use the Application, you agree to ourPrivacy Policy and consent to our collection, storage, transfer,processing use, disclosure and other uses of your PersonalInformation (defined below) as described in this Privacy Policy.You understand and acknowledge that you are required toprovide the Personal Information when you choose to avail theServices.
Our Application is not aimed at Users under 10 years of ageand we will not directly collect, use, provide or process in anyother form any Personal Information of user under the age of18 years deliberately. We therefore also ask you, if you areunder 18 years old, to not send us your Personal Information(for example, your name, address) and to not access ourApplication. In addition to being of the minimum required ageto use our Application under applicable law, if you are not oldenough to have authority to agree to our Terms in yourcountry, your parent or guardian must agree to our Terms onyour behalf.
This Privacy Policy is governed by the provisions of theInformation Technology (Reasonable Security Practices andProcedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules2011, which is designed to protect Personal Information; otherrelevant laws, and the Company policies effective andapplicable during the term you avail the Services.
The Personal Information is collected and used to: (i) provideor operate Services; (ii) create and administer your accounts/User Profile and to improve the quality and yourexperience, of the Application and Services, including but notlimited to conducting audits and resolving your issues; (iii)customize, improve our Services; (iv) to analyse servicerelated diagnostic and performance information (v) providinginformation of events conducted in the local areas, as perlocation information (vi) manage our relationship with you anddevelop our present and future Services; (vii) maintain andupdate our records; (viii) monitor suspected fraud(s),misconduct(s) and unlawful activities and safety and securityon the Application. We will not sell, exchange or disclose yourinformation to or with any third party without your consent,except as provided for in this Privacy Policy. We may alsocollect Personal Information when you interact with ourcustomer service in order to assist you and to improve theoperation of the Application and the Services we offer.
You agree that we may also use the Personal Information tocontact you and deliver information to you that, in some cases,are targeted to your interests, such as targetedadvertisements, service offerings and communicationsrelevant to your use of the Application.
By accepting this policy, you expressly agree and allow us toreceive and use this Personal Information for the above statedpurposes.
We receive and collect following information when we operateand provide our Services, including when you install, access,or use the Application. For the provision of the Services, you are required to register your user profile by using the loginoption available on the Application (“User Profile”).
During the registration process and while availing theServices, you shall be required to share/upload certainPersonal Information.
For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information”means information that can be used to personally identify theuser including but not limited to, your name, address,telephone number, mobile number, occupation, address,email address, social profile, pictures, videos and/ orinformation related to the geographical location of your own &your land/property. You also agree to provide us informationrelating to your mobile address book on a regular basis. Wedo not allow unauthorized publishing or disclosure of non-public contact details.
Further, during your access and use of the Application, wemay learn and collect additional information from and aboutyou which may become part of the Personal Information. Youagree and understand that, we also collect PersonalInformation when you login-in to our Application or use ourServices or other information you upload. This can includeinformation in or about the content you provide, such as thelocation of a photo or the date a photo file was created. Wealso collect information about how you use our Services, suchas the types of content you view or engage with or thefrequency and duration of your activities.
We may collect Personal Information in the form of details anddocuments you post in certain space on the User Profile or the Application like the message(s) you send to us. We may retainyour message(s) in the ordinary course of providing ourServices to you. The messages (including your chats, photos,call logs, etc.) delivered are saved on our servers for futureuse.
You hereby consent towards the usage of your PersonalInformation, which is collected, stored and used by us for thepurpose of providing you the Services. You also agree andunderstand that, the collection, use, and sharing of thePersonal Information, shall be limited for the purpose ofproviding Services.
Non-Personal Information/Data: When you use, or access theApplication, we may also collect and store additionalinformation which may or may not personally identify you or beidentifiable with other information collected. Such informationincludes, without limitation, your device specific informationwhen you install access or use our Services, your hardwaremodel, operating system information, browser information,internet protocol address, device identifiers, your usage andlog information, information about your status in relation to ourshow, browser types, domain name, device locations, service-related, diagnostic, and performance information, and otherdata involving your use of the Application and/or our Services,diagnostic, crash, website, and performance logs and reports.This information is collected passively using varioustechnologies or may be provided by you throughcommunications with us. You understand and acknowledgethat this information shall be non-personal information andcould be used by the Company, for its own business purposes.
Personal Information exchanged with Public:As a defaultsetting, the Personal Information you exchange is onlyexchanged with or displayed for the Users with whom youhave connected or with whom you interact through theApplication. However, in the event you chose to exchange thePersonal Information with public at large, your PersonalInformation shall be displayed on the Application and shall bevisible to any and all users or visitors of the Application. In theevent, you choose to exchange your Personal Information withpublic, it shall be available to anyone who has availed or notavailed our Services and can be seen or accessed throughonline search engines or offline media.
Information exchanged with other Users:Your PersonalInformation may be exchanged, re-exchanged, uploaded ordisplayed by the other users (“Disclosing User”), in such anevent the users connected to such Disclosing User or theaudience which such Disclosing User chooses, will haveaccess to your Personal Information. In the event, youexchange Personal Information in any group of which you arepart of, all the group members of such group shall haveaccess to your Personal Information.
Affiliates or Business Partners:We may provide PersonalInformation we collect, to our affiliates or our businesspartners through whom we provide Services to you. Forexample, we may disclose Personal Information to ouraffiliates in order to respond to your requests for information orServices.
Joint Marketing Arrangements:Where permitted by law, wemay exchange your Personal Information with joint marketerswith whom we have a marketing arrangement, we wouldrequire all such joint marketers to have written contracts withus that specify appropriate use of your Personal Information,require them to safeguard your Personal Information.
Service Providers or Business Partners:We may use certaintrusted third parties and individuals to help us provide,analyse, and improve the Services or provide marketing,developing, product development or, data storage, paymentprocessing and other features related to the Service. Thesethird parties, including their employees, and authorizedpersonnel may have access to your Personal Information onlyfor purposes of performing these tasks and are underobligations similar to those in this Privacy Policy. We maydisclose your Personal Information to service providers whoperform business functions or hosting services on our behalf.
Persons Who Acquire our assets or business:We maytransfer or transmit your Personal Information if we areacquired by / we acquire or merge with another entity ortransfer a part of our business, including the Application to athird party. Any third party or resultant entity that receives yourPersonal Information pursuant to a merger, demerger,reorganization, restructuring or business transfer shall havethe right to continue to use your Personal Information. In theevent of such a sale or transfer, we reasonably notify you.
Legal and Regulatory Authorities:We may be required todisclose your Personal Information due to legal or regulatoryrequirements. You understand that we may have to transfer and process information subject to applicable laws in Indiaand other countries globally where we have or use facilities,service providers, or partners regardless of the User’slocation. You understand and confirm that laws, regulationsand standards of the country in which your information isstored may be different from those of your country. In suchinstances, we reserve the right to disclose your PersonalInformation as required in order to comply with our legalobligations, including but not limited to complying with courtorders, warrants, or discovery requests. We may also discloseyour Personal Information to law enforcement officers orothers, in the good faith belief that such disclosure isreasonably necessary to enforce this Privacy Policy; respondto claims that any Personal Information violates the rights ofthird-parties; or protect the rights, property, or personal safetyof the Company, our users or the general public. You agreeand acknowledge that we may not inform you prior to or afterdisclosures made according to this section.
You hereby agree and provide your consent to our use of yourPersonal Information and our practices, including thecollection, use, processing, and sharing of your information asdescribed in this Privacy Policy, as well as the transfer andprocessing of your information to the other service providers,affiliates or business partners, regardless of where you useour Services. Notwithstanding anything mentionedhereinabove, the Company shall not be responsible for theactions or omissions of the parties (including but not limited tothe entities listed above) with whom the Personal Informationis shared, nor shall the Company be responsible and/or liablefor any additional information you may choose to providedirectly to any third party.
Our Application may use ’cookies’ to enhance Userexperience. Cookies are small encrypted files, that theApplication transfers to your computer’s hard drive or on yourmobile / tablet device or through any such electronic devicethrough which you may access the Application through yourweb browser that enables the Application to recognize yourbrowser and capture and remember certain information
We will retain your Personal Information for as long as yourUser Profile is active or till the time we are required to provideyou the Services. We may retain and use your PersonalInformation as necessary to comply with our legal obligations,resolve disputes, and enforce our agreement(s) or Terms.Consistent with these requirements, we will try to delete yourinformation, upon reasonable request. Please note, however,that there might be latency in deleting information from ourservers and backed-up versions. In addition, we do not deletefrom our servers, the files that you have in common with otherusers.
We may also use your Personal Information collected to createaggregate anonymized data. We shall ensure that suchanonymized data will not be directly identifiable to you or tothe Personal Information shared with us. We may use thisanonymized data for any purpose including but not limited toresearch, analytics, and to improve our Services. By using thePrivacy Policy, you provide us the right to use your PersonalInformation to create anonymized data and use it for ourbusiness purposes.
We value your Personal Information; we will ensure anadequate level of protection to protect and secure yourPersonal Information from any unauthorized disclosure. Wehave therefore implemented technology and policies with theobjective of protecting your Personal Information fromunauthorized access and improper use and will update thesemeasures as new technology becomes available, asappropriate. Your Personal Information is stored on ourdatabase which is either hosted on the private cloud or publiccloud. We verify accounts and activity, and promote safety andsecurity on and off our Services, such as by investigatingsuspicious activity or violations of our Terms, and to ensureour Services are being used legally. All the weblinks used arewith SSL security certification domain. We have in place dataadministrators who check the sanity of the data. However, allthe information available on the Application is on an ‘as-is’basis and the Company shall not be held liable for anyinformation whatsoever on the Application.
As a matter of security, we take back-up of systemsperiodically. Although we provide appropriate firewalls andprotections. Our systems are not hack proof. Data pilferagedue to unauthorized hacking,virus attacks, technical issuesare possible, and we take no liability or responsibility for it.
We/any of our personnel never asks for any kind oftransactional details including but not limited to OTP,Credit/Debit Card Details, Netbanking/Phonebanking details.In case of any loss user will be responsible by its own.
You are solely responsible for all actions of your user accountand password. Therefore, we do not recommend that youdisclose your password to any third party. If you choose toexchange your credentials relating to the User Profile includingthe password or any Personal Information with third parties,you are solely responsible for the same. If you lose control ofyour password, you may lose substantial control over yourPersonal Information and may be subject to legally bindingactions.
We are interested in your views, and we value the Feedback(defined below) we receive from you, we therefore have set upblogs and chat rooms for providing better Services and/or toreceive your feedbacks. However, we do not have control orare responsible for any such Feedback or the PersonalInformation which you make available through these chatrooms or the Application. We encourage you to be carefulabout what Personal Information you disclose in this way.
Subject to any applicable law, any communication sent by youthrough the Application or through the blogs or chat rooms ortestimonials or otherwise on the Application to us (includingwithout limitation contents, images, audio, feedback etc.collectively "Feedback") is on a non-confidential basis, and weare under no obligation to refrain from reproducing, publishingor otherwise using it in any way or for any purpose. You agreeyou will not assert any ownership right of any kind in theFeedback (including without limitation copyright, patent,trademark, unfair competition, moral rights, or impliedcontract) and you hereby irrevocably waive the right to receiveany financial or other consideration in connection with the Feedback, including without limitation acknowledgment of youas the source of the Feedback. Your submission of anyFeedback shall constitute an assignment to us of all worldwiderights, titles and interests in all copyrights and other intellectualproperty rights in the Feedback. For this reason, we ask you tonot send us any Feedback that you do not wish to assign tous, including any confidential information, PersonalInformation or any original creative materials. You shall beresponsible for the content and information contained in anyFeedback sent by you to the Application or otherwise to us,including without limitation for its truthfulness and accuracy.
In the event, you participate in any interactive features of theApplication, participate in a survey, contest, promotion,sweepstakes, activity or event, request customer support,communicate with us via third party social media sites orotherwise communicate with us, we collect the data yousubmit for such participation and/or support, which may alsoinclude Personal Information. We would use such data, as perthe terms of this Privacy Policy.
In case you need to access, remove, review, edit, and/or makechanges to the Personal Information that you have provided tous, you may do so by clicking on the ‘edit’ option provided inthe User Profile settings tab. You can make changes in yourUser Profile at any time by accessing the Application settings.You understand that the Company shall not verify orauthenticate the information, or any changes made to thePersonal Information made by you and therefore you takeentire responsibility of such information and/ or changes. You confirm that such changes shall be in accordance with theterms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.
You can delete your User Profile any time, in such an event,we would not be required to provide you the Services. If youwant to delete your User Profile at any time (including if youwant to revoke your consent to our use of your information)you have to send an email requesting to delete your UserProfile. Upon which we will delete your User Profile within thenext three working days. You will receive a confirmation email.
We may have links to other websites/ Apps of the Company orof third parties or you are referred to our Application through alink from another website /apps. We shall not be responsiblefor the privacy policies and practices of such websites/applications. The content is subject to their terms of use andany additional guidelines and privacy information provided inrelation to that use on their website / applications. If you useour Services with such third- party links we may receiveinformation about you
We recommend that you check the policy of each website /apps you visit to better understand your rights and obligationsespecially when you are submitting any type of content tothose third-party websites. Please contact the owner oradministrator or operator of such website / apps if you haveany concerns or questions.
In addition to the indemnification commitment provided inTerms of Use, you agree to indemnify us and hold us harmlessfrom and against any claims arising out of or relating to: (i)Personal Information and contents that you submit or share forthe Services (ii) Your violation of any rights of any otherperson in connection with the Application (iii) Your use of theApplication or its features (iv) Your violation of any applicablelaws and privacy protection regulations in the country fromwhere you are accessing the Site.
All rights not expressly granted in this Privacy Policy arereserved by the Company. Nothing contained in this PrivacyPolicy shall be construed as conferring by implication,estoppels or otherwise any license or right under anycopyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property rightof Company or any other person or to user.
All rights not expressly granted in this Privacy Policy arereserved by the Company. Nothing contained in this PrivacyPolicy shall be construed as conferring by implication,estoppels or otherwise any license or right under anycopyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property rightof Company or any other person or to user.
Company will not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect,incidental or consequential, and all liabilities including fornegligence, loss or damage such as loss of revenue,unavailability of system or loss of data and loss of yourPersonal Information and for use of or inability to use Services of any kind that is offered or to provide indemnity or any otherremedy to you or any third party.
Governing Laws: This Agreement shall be construed andgoverned by the laws of India without regard to principles ofconflict of laws. The courts in Nashik, India shall have anexclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising under thispolicy.
Dispute Resolution: Any dispute arising, shall be submitted tothe arbitration to be conducted in Nashik, India in Englishlanguage, in accordance with the rules and regulations of theArbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (as amended from timeto time), by a sole arbitrator, who shall be appointed by the Company and the award made in pursuance thereof shall bebinding on the parties hereto. The dispute resolution andarbitration process mentioned in this Section will not prohibitCompany from approaching the courts for appropriate interimreliefs.
Amendments to this policy will be posted to this Applicationand will be effective when posted. Your continued use of thisApplication following the posting of any amendment,modification, or change shall constitute your acceptance of theamendment. We request you to check this Privacy Policy on aperiodic basis to ascertain if any additional considerations areinvolved with regard to your Personal Information.
If you have questions, feedback or concerns or grievancesregarding this Privacy Policy, you can contact us, or if you wishto make a complaint, please contact us If you want to report any abuse,infringement please contact us
Or you can contact us @ BiG Strategic Advisors Group A 321, Lodha Supremus II, Beside Thane Passport Office, Road No 22, Wagle Estate, Thane west, 400604. Phone- +91 8879222277